making coworking scheduling software a reality

Friends, Romans, Coworkers…

We have reached that point were we are seriously talking about scheduling software. John McGann, 116 West Houston, has hired a developer to update his old software. John doesn’t have any particular construct, php, ruby on rails, drupal or some other open-souce CMS. John just wants the software built with enough ambiguity to manage a generic set of coworking spaces.

My personal interest is to make this dream a reality, and within the next few days we will set up a call to review any/all documents to kick start this bad boy. In the meantime, if you are interested we need you to do three things…

  1. join the coworking google group.
  2. think up what are the best features and post them to the wiki.
  3. add your name if your want to be part of the development team

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