What does coworking do for me. A video interview from Italy.

After a few months of activity @ cowo milano, I finally managed to do something I’ve been trying to do for a long time: a video interview with a coworker, having him say what it’s like.

As I imagined, there’s nothing like the real thing… Davide tells the story in a way that couldn’be done better.

I don’t post the video because it’s in Italian (if you want to see it it’s here) but I do post the English transcription:

Question – Hi Davide! First of all, what’s your job?

Answer – Hi. I design sailing boats, racing ones.

Q. – Great. What’s your organization?

A. – We are a small company with two offices, one here in Milano, since April, and the other one in Amsterdam, where my partner is.

Q. – How does coworking work for you?

A. – It gives me the chance to have a very flexible work situation, fully serviced.
A place where I can work quietly. always connected to the web and also connected to other people.

Q. – In this respect, how did it feel for you to work side by side with professionals with a different background?

A. – Very interesting. Up to now I’ve always worked with other engineers, and it always ended up talking about the same stuff, which can get boring.
In a coworking situation one gets the chance to interact with people totally different. It’s fun to share your office with a novel writer, or an internet pro… different worlds, very interesting.

Q. – Is such a company making your working days more interesting, or would you rather sit in your own, private office?

A. – No, I’m very happy, actually. I think that for a small start-up it’s a good opportunity to have a coworking space, a less flexible situation would not have been good for me.
Coworking gave me the flexibility I need, also the freedom to renew my staying month by month, adapting to my needs, eventually involving other people in the company, in the cowo premises.
Such a flexibility isn’t easy to find, other than coworking.

Q. – As to interaction with your business partner, in Amsterdam?

A. – We work with Skype, always in touch, with earphones, triyng not to disturb other people here.

Q. – We haven’t mentioned your company’s name…

A. – It’s ST Yachts, in the internet: styachtdotcom.

Thanks a lot Davide!



4 thoughts on “What does coworking do for me. A video interview from Italy.”

  1. What a great service to host a wiki and a blog about co-working and spreading the word that working closer via co-working space can not only cut overhead but engender camaraderie and cross-fertilization of ideas and other resource sharing.
    I wrote on Working Closer in a Collapsing Economy in my blog, Moving From Me to We citing several co-housing benefits and places.

    Also kudos to you for hosting the unconference w/ amazing Anita Campbell

  2. The Boalt Hall law school classmates are among the socially conscious groups using the Hub as a coworking and business support facility. (Kristopher Skinner/Staff) BERKELEY — If they liked ampersands and last names, Morris, Milestone & Stambaugh might …

  3. … as there is an element of modern Liberal philosophy that I find it impossible … Government restrictive licensing of hair dressers, interior designers, …

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