Why Coworkers Need to Organize: Thoughts from a Blankspaces Coworker

By Yelizavetta Kofman of The Lattice Group, originally published by Shareable Magazine.

Every morning, Brian Roth, a headhunter, drives from his apartment in Los Angeles to BLANKSPACES, where he pays $600 a month for a place to work. This isn’t a private office; Brian shares his “workstation” with a revolving cast of characters, including (depending on the day) a talent manager, a web designer, and a screenwriter. Thanks to an open office plan and Brian’s commanding voice, there are about thirty other BLANKSPACES members within earshot, all sharing their own workstations.

Welcome to BLANKSPACES, one of the many coworking spaces popping up around the country, offering desks and other resources to independent workers for an hourly, weekly, or monthly fee. This being Shareable, you’ve probably already heard of it. If not, you can read about it in The New York Times here and here and previously on Shareable.

These articles and others like them will tell you the same thing: that coworking is ingenious, offering independent workers a sane alternative to loud designer coffee establishments and toddler-infested home offices. Add a collegial but uncompetitive environment, a pinch of networking, some free printing, and voila, a Work 2.0 darling is born.

All the praise coworking has received to date is well deserved. The idea is extremely innovative and full of potential. And yet, even the shiniest, techiest, most flexible workspace can’t fully conceal a gaping problem with our 2.0 economy: the growing cadre of independent workers that lack the most basic worker protections and safety net. How did this situation emerge and what do the individuals affected by it really think? Of course, providing these protections and safety nets is not the goal, nor could it be, of coworking businesses.  But coworking establishments offer a unique look into the lives of independent workers, traditionally scattered across individual home offices and mixed in with casual coffee house patrons.

The Emerging Model of Coworking

What started as work space conceived, organized, and managed by and for independent workers is proving to be a good business model. Entrepreneurs in cities like San Francisco and New York, where by some estimates freelancers make up a third of the workforce, need only talk to their own friends to realize that independent work is a fast-growing career path. With the steady expansion of coworking sites–you can now find them all over the country, from Berkeley to Boise–businesses are responding to a growing need and banking on the future growth of independent work.

Just how big is the independent workforce? No one really knows.

Getting good statistics on workers that are flexible by definition is a tall order. The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks “nonstandard employees,” a catch-all that includes temporary agency employees, independent contractors, freelancers, on-call workers, and consultants. According to this definition independent workers total 14.8 million workers, or about one in 10 employees.  And this isn’t even counting small business owners, which the BLS counts as employees of their own firms and therefore “standard” workers, even if these individuals have no additional employees.

Whereas temps and independent contractors were once relegated to lower wage jobs like construction and clerical, the fastest growing areas of independent work are now in well-paying professional fields like media, technology, legal, and financial services. According to Working Today, the research arm of the Freelancers Union, the average New York City freelancer has a college degree and is well-paid. Independents are innovators and risk takers, frequently touted as the heart and soul of creative centers like San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Though all workers have had to make sense of and deal with major changes in the economic landscape–the structural shift from a manufacturing economy to a service and knowledge-based one; intensified competition for U.S. companies; deregulation, union decline, and rapid technological advancements to name a few–in many ways, independent workers are the vanguard of this brave new world.

The benefits of a portfolio-based lifestyle are many: greater autonomy, creative control, flexibility of where and when to work.  Countless articles relate success stories and bestselling books offer to show us the way (The Four Hour-Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Joing the New Rich just about sums it up). But taking into consideration the costs and benefits of independent work, and trying to analyze the situation for the average Joe, not just the superstars, sociologists are on the fence.

The optimistic camp maintains that opportunity for professional, rewarding and de-institutionalized self employment in the ‘knowledge economy’ is considerable. The pessimistic theory is that precarious, non-standard contracts easily exploitable by large companies who no longer have to provide even a modicum of benefits will lead to a ‘Brazilianization’ of the West.

The few existing empirical studies of independent workers show mixed results. One study found that a majority of freelancers become self-employed to follow an interest or have always wanted to be independent. Another found that 16 percent of professionals in 2000 became independent as a result of employer demand–an obvious push factor.

Back at BLANKSPACES, where I’ve spent the last six months conducting an ethnographic study as part of my doctoral studies, I see evidence of both push and pull. Marisa, a screenwriter, has wanted to write Hollywood movies since she was a little girl growing up in the boonies of North Carolina. On the other hand Deborah, the former VP of Marketing for a large company, loved her previous job. She transitioned to consulting because the economy changed; steep budget cuts in her department made the job “less fun.” But now she’s frustrated by the lack of resources of her new clients: “Every budget item for them is a big decision,” she tells me with a tense shrug.

Organizing Coworkers

It’s hard to categorize coworkers. And that’s part of what makes coworking so great: you get to rub elbows with people from all walks of professional life, with different experiences and different expectations. Still, I’ve found that more interesting story here is not the differences, but the unacknowledged similarities. The untold story about coworking is that many of these workers lack the kind of worker benefits and protections granted traditional employees.

Take health care. Most people I talked to at BLANKSPACES pay for their own health care plans, but almost everyone admits that there have been times when they have gone uncovered. Marisa has never had health care coverage but assures me she’s really careful: “I don’t ski, I don’t roller skate, I don’t walk on crooked sidewalks!” Later, when she learns a friend has cancer, she admits it’s a wake-up call and that not having health coverage is scary. I’m pretty sure she still doesn’t have any, though.  It’s no wonder: the Freelancers Union has calculated that an independent worker living in New York City with no dependents must earn over $120,000 per year to afford the cost of an individual health care plan premium (calculated based on a 5% income-to-premium ratio with the average premium costing $521).

Sure, some independent workers receive health care coverage through their spouse–which I imagine creates its own host of problems–but a 2010 survey of 3,000 independents by the Freelancers Union reports that in 2010, 18% of respondents had to give up their health insurance all together and 35% changed plans to ones that offered fewer benefits.

In addition to the health care mess, independent workers typically don’t qualify for unemployment insurance–though according to the same survey, 49 percent of respondents experienced periods of unemployment in the preceding year. The median spell without work was a full 16 weeks.

Independent workers are also taxed unfairly, paying both self-employment tax or unincorporated business tax (notably, not in New York City) and income tax. And when deadbeat clients don’t pay, independent workers have few options. Marisa has been struggling to get one of her clients to pay her for an ongoing writing project. The client is weeks late, but keeps demanding revisions. She’s stuck between a rock and a hard-place: she wants to demand back-payment before she continues working but she’s afraid they’ll just find someone else. Independent workers rarely have the resources for a legal battle and, without an accounting department, often spend valuable work time chasing down nonpaying clients. Cash, the talent manager who shares a workstation with Brian, tells me he just takes the losses and tries to learn from the experience.

Surrounded by individuals with similar circumstances—like, ahem, at a coworking space—we might expect that independent workers would recognize that the current work system in the U.S. leaves them without important protections. At the very least, I expected to hear some kvetching among the regulars at BLANKSPACES. But I never did. The independents I’ve met are independent through and through. Most are deeply passionate about their work and grateful for the autonomy and flexibility their independent status affords them. If they have to make some sacrifices, like pay for their own health care or live with uncertainty, so be it. As an education consultant at BLANKSPACES once told me, “there are bigger problems in the world.”

That is certainly true. By most standards, the independent workers that frequent coworking spaces are privileged members of the professional elite, with their college educations and white-collar jobs. On the other hand, many of the “bigger problems” in the U.S. stem from a deeply precarious economic environment that has, for at least the last 30 years, redistributed financial burdens from employers and governments to employees. This is a huge retreat from the New Deal and in stark contrast to the growth of universal social welfare protections in other rich, industrialized countries (see here, for example). If privileged, college-educated workers don’t demand workplace benefits and protections for themselves, my feeling is that our government will continue to sleepwalk its way through the 21st century, happily ignoring the fact that our economy has changed but our public policies have not.

One problem is that as some of my fellow coworkers at BLANKSPACES and other independents reading this, will object to my characterization of employers. Some independent workers are employers themselves! And even if they don’t have employees, many see themselves as business owners—with all the bourgeois class consciousness that entails. Coworkers see themselves as freelancers or consultants or creatives or business owners. On top of that, some feel they’re only going to be independent for a short spell. Others hope to sell their start-up and retire early. In short, few would self-identify as part of the independent workforce and even fewer are itching to do something about it.

Here’s the rub, people: the very diversity that makes coworking such a dynamic workplace experience also keeps about a third of the workforce from realizing they’re in a pretty similar, shoddy, safety-net-less boat and that they’re letting the government and the larger companies that use their services off the hook. Independence at this price is bad bargain for independent workers, and for society as a whole. Independent workers shouldn’t have to shoulder all the risk. If you’re an independent worker, here’s a few tips to help you get what all workers deserve:

If you want to fight back, try these simple steps:

1. Talk to other freelancers and independents, share your experiences, and find common ground. This is the first step to collective action.

2. Get educated. Learn about the worker protections and benefits you don’t have. Demand the protections you deserve.

3. Join the Freelancers Union. Even if you don’t want their lackluster insurance benefits or are only planning to be a freelancer for a short period of time, join. In all likelihood, you will be without a traditional employer more than once in your lifetime and the more members the Freelancers have, the more they can fight for better legislation for all nonstandard workers. Plus, it’s free.

4. Contribute to the Freelancers Union PAC. This political action committee supports the campaigns of independent-friendly political candidates. Let’s face it, in D.C. money talks.

5. Support national and state campaigns for benefits that help workers focus on working, like paid parental leave, the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act (UIMA), and public child care.

By Yelizavetta Kofman of The Lattice Group, originally published by Shareable Magazine.

3 Ways Coworking Provides A Rockstar Environment

Whether you’re trying to get a new business off the ground, or wondering how you’re going to survive another day in the cubical jungle, you must never underestimate the power of the environment in which you choose to work.

By Angel Kwiatkowski

“Instead of thinking about how you can land a roomful of rock stars, think about the room instead…The environment has a lot more to do with great work than most people think. -Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson in ReWork

Whether you’re trying to get a new business off the ground, or wondering how you’re going to survive another day in the cubical jungle, you must never underestimate the power of the environment in which you choose to work.

Yes, I said choose.

The boys from ReWork go on to say that, “there’s a ton of untapped potential trapped under lame policies, poor direction, and stifling bureaucracies. Cut the crap and you’ll find that people are waiting to do great work. They just need to be given the chance.”

If you’ve been doubting your ability to do great work lately, maybe it’s time to consider a change of scenery.

Here are three ways coworking encourages greatness better than a basement, cubicle, or coffee shop:

Privacy/Exposure: The way to extract great work from yourself isn’t to lock yourself in a home office. It’s also not to abandon your to-do list for internet surfing disguised as “market research.” When you cowork, you have the opportunity to change place, time, and style of your work on a daily basis. Need to get some serious work done? Tell the host that you’re having a “me” day, and retreat to the quietest corner. Need to bitch about a nightmare client and talk about your lack of motivation? Well, that’s ok too.

Autonomy/Responsibility: When you’re working a traditional 9-5, your lack of greatness can be blamed on the boss/computer/lighting/janitor/coffee. When you’re coworking, the responsibility falls on you and you alone. Giving yourself just one night a week to work freely on projects you’re passionate about will jump start your productivity in ways you never imagined.

Praise/Constructive Criticism: We all know what it’s like to be chastised for doing something wrong, but fewer professionals know what it feels like to be praised for doing something great. Coworking provides you with a community that will applaud when you finally locate a pesky coding bug, or throw you a party when you launch a new product. Rest assured, coworkers will also tell you when an idea misses the mark, but it will be because they want you to succeed and be happy, not because they’re worried about the bottom line.

Has your work environment hindered you from doing great work in the past? Share it in a comment!

How I Found My Coworking Tribe

Coworker Ashok Amaran recounts his tale of how he found a coworking community and what it has meant to him.

One month. One month was all it took working in a cubicle to realize I could not continue on this path for very long. I yearned for something more fulfilling but I couldn’t quite place what that was. All I knew was that there had to be something more. Maybe it was the contrast of working from home for months and then suddenly moving to an unfamiliar city where I was living for the first time on my own, so I decided I needed to get out and meet some new people who shared similar interests with me. I started going to places I was familiar with like coffee shops, indian restaurants, tennis clubs, farmer’s markets, and libraries. I met and shared time with people at different events and cultural gatherings but there was just something missing. I was having fun, but work was always around the corner and kept dragging me down throughout the week.
Finding Coworking
I turned my focus instead to my current passions and sought out others with similar ones namely in social media, new technology, web/mobile development, and ways of making money without a job. In the process I discovered tweetups and a local one that was occurring bi-monthly in my area. I was very nervous at first to attend as I didn’t quite know what to expect at a social media tweetup. My comfort zone was certainly being squished, but I went ahead and I ended up meeting a very diverse range of self-employed individuals, from an ebay power-seller to a professional blogger and even small-business owners. It was the first time I had ever met so many people who were making a living doing what they loved doing and were passionate about it. Before I could even think where to find more people like this amazing group, the host informed me of a coworking space in my city that brought together remote workers, freelancers, artists, bloggers, and like-minded individuals to work with others who were making a living on their own terms doing what they loved. I knew I had to become a part of this community.
Night Coworking
Being a full-time worker, night coworking was the obvious choice for my schedule. Before coworking, my schedule consisted of scattered, un-organized, long nights at coffee shops, libraries, and my apartment working on projects. And while my schedule still consists of such days if there’s a pending deadline, night coworking has provided a little oasis for me, offering that refreshing balance from the daily grind exactly mid-week like a runner picking up a drink while passing the halfway point through a marathon.
Why Coworking?
If you were ever like me growing up, you believed the way to success and happiness lay in succeeding at school, getting a good job, and making lots of money. While I feel there’s still some truth to this, there’s a glaring oversight I’ve come to notice. That happiness always exists at the end; after you’ve graduated, after you’ve gotten the job, and after you’ve worked for enough money and retired. Why is this? Why can’t you be happy now and learn what you want to learn? Be happy and work doing what you want to do? Be happy and retire when you want to? The truth is you can. Especially if you pursue what you are passionate about. Coworking brings together individuals who love doing what they’re doing and are passionate about it; how many people at their current jobs can say that about what they’re doing and everyone else in their office? A coworking space will be filled with inspiration, ideas, support, motivation, and people willing to help one another succeed at whatever they’re doing. There’s no corporate drama or feelings of hierarchy because everyone is respected equally as their own boss. There are people who will show you how to grow your businesses, how to monetize your blog, how to market your products, and even help you find clients that need your services and expertise. It is truly invaluable to those seeking to pursue a living outside the 9-5.
Coworking has helped me directly and indirectly realize what truly makes people happy. And its not money. Its freedom. Freedom to pursue your passion.
Ashok is a member of the Cohere Coworking Community in Colorado, USA.

Inside the Numbers: P&L from Cincinnati Coworks

One of he pillars of coworking is Openness.  Many space catalysts are often worried about business plans, finances, and expenses, and rightly so.  Now, I’m not an accountant, but I can put together a spreadsheet.  So in the spirit of openness, behold, I give you the Cincy Coworks P&L, year-to-date.  Now, every situation is different, but hopefully this can help someone with their planning.

A little background: we were lucky enough to find a move-in ready retail space and negotiated a reasonable rent.  So we had no build-out.  Our primary start-up expense was furnishing the space and the kitchen.

Balance graph In the lower right-hand corner in the green cell, you can see our current bank balance.  Clearly, we will not be retiring on Cincy Coworks anytime soon.  But the good news is that we opened in the black, and have stayed in the black through 4 months, so we must be doing something right.

Our top expense is of course rent, followed by furniture, internet, and supplies.  Important note: supplies on the P&L mostly refer to one-time purchases like the wi-fi router, power strips, and hardware.  Consumables like paper towels, trash bags, and keeping the fridge stocked has been a 100% community effort by our members.

Other patterns: our revenue varied widely due to a surprising amount of turnover in the first few months.  Our expenses varied because every time a new member joined in the beginning, we bought a desk.  Our expenses also varied because, though I am a smart guy, I am not smart enough to figure out when our internet bill is due (thanks for nothing, Cincinnati Bell).

We would like to start a nest egg.  If you are in the Cincinnati area, interested in joining?

Top 3 Coworking Resources You’re Not Using

Coworking is a state of mind, a community, and most importantly- a unique global movement. But figuring out how to get the most out of this rapidly expanding, concept of working can be difficult if you don’t know where to look.

By Angel Kwiatkowski

Coworking is a state of mind, a community, and most importantly- a unique global movement. But figuring out how to get the most out of this rapidly expanding, concept of working can be difficult if you don’t know where to look.

Coworking Google Group

This group acts as a support structure and discussion network amongst people interested in coworking on any level: as a catalyst, as a space owner or as a coworker. You’re welcome to lurk here, and learn silently from the knowledge and questions of others, but it’s even more of a resource if you introduce yourself and participate in the discussion. Learn more…

Coworking Wiki

If you’re looking for a place to cowork while traveling, or are just interested in watching and/or supporting the growth of the movement, this is the resource for you. Successful business models, best practices, and 700+ pages of user generated knowledge can be found on the Wiki, as well as information about the Coworking Visa Program, space directory, and coworking events list.

Global Coworking Blog

Want to share your experience about coworking in a new space? Want to find out what other coworkers are struggling with or challenged by? Got tips that all coworkers should be aware of? Share it on the blog. Press, announcements, and industry research can also be found on the Global Coworking Blog. In true coworking fashion, any and all coworkers are invited to submit posts to this page.

Image Credit: Flickr – usefulguy

Coworking Is a Competitive Advantage, Not Just an Expense.

Author Craig Baute

If you have been deterred from joining a local coworking facility because of their membership fees; don’t be because it will payback multiple times. Coworking and other shared workspaces provides a vibe of energy and community that motivates people to keep moving forward with their business and have the confidence to make bolder decisions. When people are surrounded by a diverse set of talents that are in a similar situation, being a freelancer or small company operator, the freedom to open up and share ideas is likely to occur and benefit all members.

Sharing Knowledge

This open sharing leads to thought-provoking conversations that will help form your business and product. The graphic designer a few seats down might suggest some new colors for your logo, and the marketing consultants across the table might be able to offer you a more focused strategy, while the SEO expert sitting next to you teaches you a bit more about keywords. All of these conversations won’t happen when sitting at home or the coffee house, but they will happen while coworking.

5-Minute Guidance

This access to free and open exchange of ideas is the competitive advantage that your rivals don’t have. An individual or small business has many questions about several small aspects of business, and the answers don’t require a three-hour sit down with an expensive consultant. Most individuals just need a professional to answer a question or point them in the right direction, something that normally takes 5 minutes or less. Coworking provides the community and connections to make these 5 minute conversations happen so people can operate their business with the resources of a company three times their size. It’s also important to note that coworking relationships go both ways and your opinion will be asked.

Coworking is an opportunity to share your knowledge and to learn from others. It’s more than a shared workspace and is a community of professionals and friends. The expenses of coworking should not be seen as a burden or unnecessary expense because of the benefits of the community. The knowledge and interesting people that will help support your business, the energetic atmosphere, and the new physical space is a competitive advantage that is hard to match.

Keep Coworking!

How To: Create a Local Meet-up Group for Freelancers

8 (easy!) steps for creating a local meet-up group for other freelancers and small business owners.

By Angel Kwiatkowski

Hello My Name is... by bump on Flickr
Host a local meet-up group--it's easy!

Coworking naturally creates community—it’s the beauty of freelancers and independents working together in a shared office space. No doubt you’ve benefited from this coworking community goodness. But have you ever thought about having a group that is more focused on a niche you’re interested in? Here are 8 easy steps for how to create a local meet-up group for other freelancers and small business owners.

1. Choose a topic & purpose.

Who do you want to get together and why? Do you want to get freelance web designers together to talk about the latest Adobe Illustrator shortcuts, or would you rather get people from diverse professional backgrounds together to talk about a specific industry? There are limitless themes around which to organize a meet-up. Make it specific, but allow yourself some creativity! (For example, a meet-up named “Freelance Writers”? Boring. A meet-up named “Freelance Writers Who Care About Going Green”? That’s more like it!)

2. Ask two people to join you.

“Two?! Only two people?!” you shriek. Settle down. Ask two people who would fit the niche meet-up group to help you. For example, two other programmers if it’s for a programming group, or two other freelancers interested in non-profit organizations. Not only will having two other minds make choosing a time and venue easier, it will help diversify and grow the meet-up. And even if it’s just the three of you that end up attending the first meet-up, three people can do a lot of brainstorming and sharing.

3. Choose a time.

Check to ensure that your meet-up idea isn’t already happening somewhere in your area. If a similar group exists—great! Offer to join forces. If not, make sure your meet-up doesn’t conflict with other events in the area. Will the event be weekly, monthly or bimonthly? Will attendees likely have availability before, during or after work hours, or perhaps on the weekend?

4. Choose a venue.

Coffee shops, restaurants with private rooms and local community centers are a great place to find free or low-cost space for your group. But y’know what would be even better? Ask your coworking space if you can use the space during an off-time (evenings or weekends).

5. Set up an online event.

There are several online tools that allow you to share event description, time and venue with others. Make it simple for potential attendees to find the pertinent who/what/where/when/why info. Some easy-to-use online event tools include:

6. Share the event with your network.

  • Post information about the meetup at your coworking space.
  • Tell your friends on Facebook and your followers on Twitter.
  • Talk about it on your blog.
  • Announce it at other events you attend (but only if it’s relevant!).
  • Share with your professional groups.
  • Send an email to friends, former colleagues and anyone else in your network that seems like a perfect fit for the meet-up (especially if it’s someone that might not use Facebook or Twitter very often).

7. Be prepared.

If the meet-up group is hosted at your coworking space, do you want to provide snacks or refreshments? Or perhaps you’ll need a whiteboard & markers, a giant brainstorming notepad, or a laptop for taking notes and looking up websites. An LCD project and screen? Nametags and markers? Think again about the topic and purpose of the meet-up group, and ensure you have all the materials and “little things” needed to make it a great event.

8. Have fun!

The meet-up group you’ve helped create should be fun, information-rich and valuable for everyone involved. Enjoy it!

Why have a meet-up? Because it builds community. Because you can share resources, tips & tactics. Because you can help someone else by sharing your knowledge and skills. Because it’s awesome to hang out with other awesome people. (That’s awesomeness squared!)

Have you ever started a local meet-group? What worked and what didn’t? Tell us below in the comments!

Image Credit: Flickr – bump

Coworking Community Through Food!

Let your appetite make friends for you!

As I have come to discover at previous jobs, coffee,breaks,lunch breaks, and office meetings are synonymous with socialization. In the past this is how I’ve learned to create friendships with my coworkers. We could gripe about the last memo,or find out that we both enjoy kayaking on the weekends. Either way it’s been in these moments that I’ve learned that these are the opportunities that allow us as coworkers to get to know each other.

Now that I am actually a part of a coworking office space , I have discovered, and as I’ve read on several forums about coworking, that putting people together in an open space close together doesn’t necessarily make socialization as easy as one would think. I consider myself a social person but put me in a room with 15 or more strangers, you can find me with sweaty palms in the corner of the room,trying to figure out what to say. It’s creating and finding the right setting to put everyone at ease, that helps facilitate connections and bonds. At our office in particular I have discovered that the break room or “Cafe Disco” as we call it, has been that setting. From the first day I arrived, I was passed a menu and asked if I was in on “Fiesta Friday”, I love fiestas, and figured it would be a great intro to the group. Needless to say , it worked! We ordered and I was in my first group lunch with my new coworkers. It was great, a little awkward, but still a really cool way to get to know the people I was going to be seeing day in and day out. We are actually all employed under the same company so , we needed to find a way to include all the members of our workspace to our festive lunch breaks. Part of the difficulty in getting other companies to join us was the approach. We’re based in Downtown Miami, typically more corporate and stuffy than the rest of Miami. While the company was created by a freelance developer, we house an array of different companies, from interior designers to financial brokers, real estate agents to an Eco-friendly waste bag company. We couldn’t necessarily say we house simply one type of company. We had to find a way to grab the financial brokers, and agents attention (they’re typically the most serious out of all the members here).

So getting together with some of my the coworkers within my company we figured, “Fiesta Friday” was themed ,yeah there was only six of us but the homemade virgin margaritas, gwak’, and mariachi music we brought, really made it a fiesta. We figured if we applied a fun theme to most luncheons , it would also serve as a networking opportunity, and if we emailed all the companies within our space everyone would be aware, it could really entice all of our members . We officially had Caribbean Potluck Friday in the works! All day there was chatter about ox-tail, and coconut rice. For those who forgot to bring some traditional Caribbean dishes we told them don’t worry there’s plenty of food , just show up and embrace the Caribbean vibes! Our CEO got into it, he dressed his pup in a Rastafarian sweater, and blasted Bob Marley from the break room speakers, our idea was a success.

Here the Miami business style is all about connections, but it was always so serious,pretentious, and superficial. That day, we were able to actually create genuine connections between companies whose business and business concepts would have never lead them to one another. We found a way to appeal to all of our workspace coworkers .

Now, no one orders lunch without considering other coworking pals, if someone forgets to bring lunch and doesn’t want to order we share. We’ve just got a thing going, it’s our niche and it works for us. The old sharing is caring philosophy really works. As I read in other posts, people sitting close in an open space doesn’t just magically create a friendships or connections. You have to find something that works for all of your coworkers. If its not lunch maybe a jelly, whatever it is that grabs all your members’ attention, and can make them feel comfortable enough to join in the current social gathering.

New Collaborative Workspace Comes To Phoenix

Union WorkSpace is set up in an open community format, designed to foster creativity, networking, and relationship building. It’s a place to not only get work done, but create lasting relationships and establish strategic business alliances.

Union WorkSpace is a collaborative office concept catering to today’s independent professional. Uniquely situated in one of Phoenix’s most architecturally advanced office buildings, Union offers sophisticated work space to small businesses. Building off of the “coworking” platform more frequently seen across the World, Union WorkSpace is Phoenix’s newest coworking space.

Union WorkSpace members are fully supported with amenity rich services that include custom built desk space, Herman Miller task chairs, Wi-Fi, conference room access, mailing address, print/copy/fax capabilities, amongst other things.

“I wanted to create something that provided the stable platform needed to develop and grow your business and assist in helping you achieve the goals you’ve set forth”, added founder Austin King.

Union WorkSpace is set up in an open community format, designed to foster creativity, networking, and relationship building. It’s a place to not only get work done, but create lasting relationships and establish strategic business alliances.

To schedule a visit, please contact Austin King at 602.330.6215 or [email protected].

You can also follow Union WorkSpace on Twitter and Facebook!

3 Reasons Broke Freelancers Should Be Coworking

You might think that being broke means you can’t afford coworking, but here are three reasons why you can’t afford not to.

By Angel Kwiatkowski

Leaving a traditional job for the freewheeling life of an independent professional is exhilarating in many ways: you decide your schedule, choose your clients, and finally realize the dream of going to work in your pajamas.

One less-exhilarating consequence of becoming a freelancer is that you lose the security of a regular paycheck. Traditional professionals know that check is going to magically appear every two weeks, regardless of whether they worked their ass off or spent most of the week sneaking cat naps at their desks.

Not so for the brave freelancer. When you’re self-employed, no work means no pay. Period.

If you’ve recently decided to branch out on your own, you’re probably already feeling twinges of that deep abdominal panic that  occurs when the bank account dips below the ‘safety’ level. You might think that being broke means you can’t afford coworking.

Here are three reasons why you can’t afford to not be coworking.

New Opportunities – They abound in a coworking space. Whether it’s bartering work with your neighbor, or raising your hand when someone says, “Hey, I have a friend that’s looking for someone to upgrade her website,” coworking attracts work. There’s also the chance that your coworker will see an online job posting you missed, or tell you in advance that their company is looking for some contract help. If you’re not there, you won’t be able to take advantage of it.

Encouragement – You know that panic I mentioned earlier? You’re not the only one that’s felt it. Every single freelancer or business owner has felt that same fear, and lain awake at night wondering how they would make ends meet. Belonging to a community of empathetic freelancers will allow you share those fears without embarrassment or judgment. Better yet, you’ll get free advice (ok therapy) from experienced entrepreneurs about how to budget, survive, and find new work.

Distraction – Being broke isn’t any fun, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend your days hidden in your home office. Instead of retreating from this unique and often difficult life, embrace it. Use your coworking community as a sounding board for ideas, attend networking events and schedule meet-ups. Relax. Laugh. Remember that you chose freelancing because it’s what makes you happy, not because it will make you a millionaire.

Image Credit: Flickr – katerha